Author Archives: Ed Walsh (WHWG)

“A Dark and Painful Chapter”

Sorry for the long post, but I had some thoughts on the Obama Administration’s release of previously classified Justice Department memos on the treatment of detainees, a move that resulted from a lawsuit by the ACLU. On balance, I think it may be a good thing. As the president said in his statement accompanying the […]

Roe, Roe, Roe Your Hijacked Boat

File this under “never allow a crisis to go to waste.” Mike Allen includes a remarkable tidbit in today’s Playbook: FROM THE RIGHT — CREATIVITY IN E-MAILING — Family Research Council, for “Victory at Sea”: “As you know, I don’t agree with the majority of the President’s policies, but I believe he deserves credit for […]

The Fed Gets Chatty

The Wall Street Journal examines Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s recent “PR push,” including a well-received “60 Minutes” interview last month, a full-on press conference with reporters, and Tuesday’s appearance at Morehouse College, during which Bernanke took questions at a roundtable with students. Bernanke’s larger mission is to make the Fed more transparent, which has proven […]

Yeah, President’s Cool; Got Anything Else?

Arizona State University apparently has the toughest standards ever for being awarded an honorary degree. So tough, in fact, that President Obama doesn’t qualify. The Huffington Post writes: Universities typically confer an honorary degree on commencement speakers, particularly those who have reached the pinnacle of their career or achieved the top of their field. Arizona State […]

The King and He

President Obama may have bowed to Saudi King Abdullah at the G20 meeting last week. Or maybe he didn’t. It’s not clear because the footage doesn’t indicate conclusively what happened. Here’s White House press scold Robert Gibbs telling a reporter that he’s stupid for even asking the question. But petty White House press secretaries aside, […]

Look at You, Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck, often considered the moon to Matt Damon’s sun, is out with a new movie, State of Play, in which he portrays a congressman. In this interview with the Wall Street Journal, he demonstrates a more sober analysis of the banking mess confronting Wall Street and Washington than 93.7 percent of Congress: WSJ: Do […]

Backwards and in High Heels

One of the strange curiosities of modern politics is the totally in-your-face double standard confronting political women: the wardrobe issue. We’ve all heard that clothes make the man. But apparently they absolutely define the woman, as far as DC chatterers are concerned. Whether it’s Hillary’s pantsuits or Condi’s knee-high boots or Sarah’s glasses or Laura and Michelle’s […]

Commander in Chief Visits Iraq

Who knew President Obama had one more rockstar welcome up his sleeve? AP reports the president was “cheered wildly” today when he spoke to and met with U.S. forces in Iraq. Much better than being fawned over by Europeans, right? About six weeks ago, the president delivered what I thought was a very impressive speech […]

Obama Butters Up Europe, Sneaks in Criticism

The Awesomeness Tour continued today, with President Obama traveling to Germany and France, where, the Associated Press reports, he was “welcomed with thunderous cheers.” I’m sure it’s fun for the president to be in a place where people just L-U-V luv him! But it’s painful for me to listen to his kow-towing to liberal European […]

WSJ on Sykes on Obama

I’ve written before about the struggle for comedians to find a funny trope to rely on when sending up President Obama. So far, the winner seems to be that he’s just awesome — perhaps too awesome, and perhaps too aware of his own awesomeness. As Vinca pointed out, even Joe Biden advanced the legend that the president has […]

Obama All Hot and Bothered

President Obama got a little overheated in his global warming rhetoric at today’s G20 closing press conference. Responding to a question from an Indian journalist about his meeting with her country’s prime minister, our president said the two men discussed, among other things, energy issues and the need to develop less carbony sources of fuel. […]

Did I Ever Tell You About the Time I …

Politico‘s Carol E. Lee, who evidently spends more time listening to and analyzing President Obama’s speeches than any other human, wrote today about the president’s habit of injecting personal anecdotes into his speeches: Listen carefully to Obama’s speeches, and there is almost always something personal. It might be a reference to a family member — […]

Obama at the Wheel

President Obama delivered solid remarks on the auto industry this morning, informing us that neither GM’s nor Chrysler’s government-mandated restructuring plan “goes far enough to warrant the substantial new [taxpayer] investments that these companies are requesting” and laying the groundwork for a gut-wrenching period of concessions ahead. I thought he was particularly effective on a couple of […]

Fore! GOP Shanks Budget Drive

Apparently Republicans spoke too soon — on purpose. Politico‘s Glenn Thrush reports on GOP infighting over today’s press conference to release a budget blueprint that … seems incomplete. Thrush tells us that Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor have had a more thorough alternative budget in the works for weeks but were strong-armed into today’s announcement […]

Yo Dawg, Don’t Phreak

For this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll, the social office apparently contracted with a company called Front Gate Tickets to handle ticket distribution. Front Gate handles tickets for a lot of concert venues and is therefore accustomed to a more colloquial way of doing business. Which produced this screen if you logged on for […]