Author Archives: Ed Walsh (WHWG)

Unintended Consequences of Health Reform

More from on health reform:

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Subpoena ‘Em

In a display of Congressional power that would have pleased Joe McCarthy, Democrats Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak – representing the House Energy and Commerce Committee and its Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight – have demanded internal documents about salaries and expenses from insurance companies. As Politico reports: By Sept. 4, the firms are supposed […]

Dems Get Ready to Pull the Trigger (Not on Grandma)

With Republicans resisting the push for socialist-ish medicine, Democrats are ready to go it alone – and of course blame Republicans for standing in the way of progress. Here’s Rahm, via ABC: “The Republican leadership,” said the White House chief of staff, “has made a strategic decision that defeating President Obama’s health care proposal is […]

Why Obama Lost Health Reform

In early May, President Obama announced that a series of health industry organizations had agreed to trim $2 trillion in costs from their operations. The move signaled that the big players in health care were aligning with, not against, systemic reform. It may have been the high water mark of the president’s push for government […]

CNN’s Fishy Take on Obama

Not since Teddy Roosevelt carted carcasses into the White House have the press found so much meaning in presidential pastimes. Earlier this week Time magazine told us how President Obama’s golf game offers insight into his leadership style. Friday, previewed the president’s trip to Montana with a story headlined: “Obama’s fly-fishing trip is apt […]

White House Unleashes Virus on American Public

Sorry, that should read “White House unleashes viral email,” according to Jake Tapper at ABC News. The email, from Obama political adviser David Axelrove — er, Axelrod — is meant to combat those other viral emails, which contain false information about health reform and manage to spread like wildfire. It’s a smart strategy by the White […]

Govt Health Care = Shiny, Happy People

Mike Allen in today’s Politico: “A new coalition this morning is launching $12 million in TV ads to support President Obama’s health-reform plan, in the opening wave of a planned tens of millions of dollars this fall. The new group, funded largely by PhRMA, is called Americans for Stable Quality Care. It includes some odd […]

Barack Obama is a Bourgeois Pig, Or Some Such

Well, well, well. Just days after Time gave us the 411 on President Obama’s golf game — and let us know it’s a solid indicator of the overall quality of his presidency — we find out that, uh-oh, golf ain’t so cool anymore. At least among the global socialist elite. The New York Times reports that Venezuelan […]

Health Scare

Since it’s the middle of August and we’re just phoning it in, here’s an interesting take on the current health-care debate (and protests) from

Worst Cocktail Party Ever?

Politico has some videos it describes as “Pundits on town hall tempers.” After seeing this Brady Bunch-style image teasing the clips, I took some Pepto Bismal and clicked over here.

Whole in One

Yahoo! teased a Time magazine article on President Obama’s golf game with the headline, “What Obama’s golf game reveals about the way he governs.” Because I’m so ga-ga over the president, I just had to know. The answer? He’s everything we could ever hope for. Natch. According to Time’s Michael Scherer, “Presidents, like normal people, […]

Death Panels and Democratic Purity

Two quick health care nuggets today. First, Sarah Palin writing about the Obama plan on her Facebook account (that’s what happens when you leave the governor’s mansion): [W]ho will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in […]

Cursey McCurserson

I’m glad Vinca broke the profanity barrier on Podium Pundits yesterday – and did it with such humor and class. I agree that “judicious” use of profanity can have “a positive, constructive effect” on a tense situation. For instance, when driving through Washington at rush hour, or when WordPress screws up all your formatting just […]

Haloed Be Thy Name?

Shepard Fairey, the “street artist” who designed those iconic red and blue Obama posters during the campaign, is back with another portrait of Mr. Obama for the August 20th issue of Rolling Stone. As the New York Daily News reports, “the portrait [pictured here] depicts Obama with a brow knit in determination, surrounded by a […]

Dang, This Guy’s Good

Senator Barack Obama, June 3, 2008: I am absolutely certain that, generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment … when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. Bloomberg, August 6, 2009: Hurricane Outlook in Atlantic Cut […]